Apr 29, 2013
It happens you may want to save one of your model but without triggering any pre_save / post_save signal, nor the save() method of your model. Reasons could be, your are restoring some fixtures data, you don't want to update the object modification date that is configured with auto_now = True, you want to skip some validations, etc.
There had been a ticket opened in the past to request such a ...
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Mar 31, 2013
One of the major feature of Django 1.5 is the new custom user model. This article is a step by step guide on how to migrate your existing user data using the legacy user profile (which will be dropped in version 1.7) to a custom user model without losing data in the process.
This guide will use the excellent South framework to handle the migration. If you are ...
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Mar 05, 2013
Django 1.5 had finally been released after two release candidates. Let's have a look in details of what it comes with.
It is the first Django version to support Python 3. This feature required a long work and is still considered experimental : do not use it in production. Django 1.6 is planned to be the release ready for Python 3 production. In the meantime, this 1.5 ...
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