Let's imagine you have a view somewhere on your website you want to password protect using your usual django login but you are too lazy to design a form to input your credentials. This makes sense if the view is for your own use and you don't need to have a fancy login page. In such a case the easiest and fastest way to proceed is to use ...
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If your application has a model with a ForeignKey on an other model which gets a lot of entries in the database, the auto-generated admin interface can become a nightmare to load. Django will render your ForeignKey using a select drop-down and with thousands of entries loading time and browser memory are in bad shape.
Solution is rather simple, add your ForeignKey in the raw_id_fields parameter in the Django admin ...
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Update 2019: the stack described here is now considered obsolete. Please see our new way of deploying Django apps.
Previously my stack of choice for deploying django apps was apache + mod_wsgi. Recently I had to move the website you are currently reading to a new server. I took this opportunity to consider moving to a new stack. Here is my feedback and an in-depth guide on how to do ...
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